Because every child deserves to shine

The B.Ed. is a two years regular teacher training course approved by National Council Teacher Education (NCTE) and affiliated to CRSU Jind. The course curriculum intends to professionally equip teachers with all the requisite theoretical knowledge and practical skills required by the teachers to handle the challenges of the classroom of the new millennium. On the completion of the course an external exam will be conducted by the university and the successful candidates will be awarded degree by CRSU, Jind.
Medium Of Instruction
1. The medium of instruction for the B.Ed. course will be English & Hindi.
2. The medium of the Examination will be English, but the students with prior permission, will have an option to write their theory papers in Hindi irrespective of the medium of instruction.
Teaching Methodology- An integrated teaching program covering both the theoretical & practical aspects effected by way of:
Lectures cum Demonstrations
Work-shops Seminars Team Teaching
Project Method
Assignment & Home work
Field Trips
Explanations & Narrations Role-plays Group Discussions Collaborative & cooperative method Power point Presentations
Start your future today
Enroll for a new admission on or before October 2020. When you know that you deserve the best than why look at the rest?
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Enrolled student will be awarded Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) degree after successful completion of two years course. After doing this course a candidate can get the jobs in government as well as private sectors.